XIQS Add Contacts to Campaign

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XIQS Add Contacts to Campaign - Campaign Management

addXIQSNumToCampaign ( Long id_campaign , String callnumberlist , [ list<String msg> OR Long id_msg ] )
Add one to many phone numbers to a campaign object. The 'callnumberlist' parameter is a string containing a list of 1 to n phone numbers separated by a comma (,).
The method call shall return the id of the linked message in base.
Long id_campaign
the owner campaign id
String callnumberlist
a phone number list
[list<String> msg]
the text message(s) to link to this phone list. It can be from 1 to n message(s) that will match the callnumberlist. If this last is longer than msg list, then last msg will be applied for remaining call numbers.
[Long id_msg]
db id from an existing message to link to this phone list
Return Values

Long id_msg - the id of the last linked message in base
Long id - the id of the newly added entry in base (used for status retrieving)

Error Data structure ( Error Management )
Possible failure code returns
See Also
Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List